$ Amerikanske dollar
$ Amerikanske dollar€ Euro£ Britiske pundAED UAE DirhamARS Argentinske pesoAU$ Australske dollarBGN Bulgarske levR$ Brasilianske reaisCA$ Canadiske dollarCHF SchweizerfrancCLP Chilenske pesosCN¥ Kinesiske yuanCOP Colombianske pesosCZK Tjekkiske korunakr Danske kronerEGP Egyptiske pundHK$ Hong Kong-dollarHUF Ungarske forintIDR Indonesiske rupiah₪ Israelske ny shekelINR Indiske rupeeJP¥ Japanske yen₩ Sydkoreanske wonMX$ Mexicanske pesoMYR Malaysiske ringgitNOK Norske kronerNZ$ Newzealandske dollarPLN Polske zlotyRON Rumænske Ny leuRUB Russiske rublerSAR Saudiarabiske riyalSEK Svenske kronerSGD Singaporeanske dollar฿ Thailandske bahtTRY Tyrkiske liraNT$ Nytaiwanske dollarUAH Ukrainske hryvnia₫ Vietnamesisk DongZAR Sydafrikanske rand
Monica J White
As a Content Writer for SafetyDetectives, Monica specializes in VPNs, cybersecurity, antivirus programs, and various forms of PC hardware and software, but also dives deep into topics like cyberbullying. Her content is underpinned by her research skills, personal knowledge, and the countless number of articles she’s written about cybersecurity and technology.
Aside from her work at SafetyDetective, Monica contributes to many industry-leading websites focused on technology. Her work has appeared on Digital Trends, Tom's Hardware, Springboard, SlashGear, and Pay.com, among others.
In her personal life, Monica is a tech maniac with a love for computers, having built her first PC nearly two decades ago. She has a special interest in cybersecurity and programming.